The most popular question for an outdoor school. Yes we go out in the rain, in fact it often makes the day more fun with the creation of mud and puddles. If the children dress correctly they can stay out in almost all weathers. We also want to encourage children to embrace all weathers, rather than feel that rain means that they have to head indoors.
Absolutely. Age is not a hard rule, we are mainly looking for your child to be able to carry their own backpack for approximately 20 minutes a day, generally keep up with the group and to follow simple safety instructions. If you are unsure if your child is ready we can arrange for you to come for a visit and then a trial day.
This is not a problem at all. We just ask that you send your child in pull-ups that tear/fasten at the side for easy changing.
The short answer is no. The only time class may be cancelled is if the weather is unsafe (e.g. very high winds). Even on a cold winter's day, if the children dress appropriately and keep active they'll do great. In terms of snow days we will follow the Vancouver School Board on this one. We are not associated with the VSB but to keep things safe and simple, if they close for a snow day then so will we.
Suitable clothing for the weather conditions (waterproofs, sun / rain hat, boots etc, We will provide links to recommended gear at registration), a change of clothes, water bottle, sunscreen (if required) and a snack.
We are pleased to offer a low ratio of 1 educator to 6 children. This offers obvious safety benefits but also allows us to quickly form close relationships with the children as well as being able to care, learn and play alongside them much more closely.
We are an unlicensed program as we operate entirely outdoors and outdoor education is not currently able to licensed given the nature of the requirements (although steps are being taken to change this). All my previous experience has been in licensed programs so I am well aware of the regulation requirements and will meet them as closely as possible.
Yes, all staff are required to provide a clean criminal record check and have a current valid standard first aid qualification.
Pick up and drop off happens at a number of locations around Jericho Beach park. The location is communicated prior to class and is determined by a number of factors including children's interests, weather and to make sure we don't spend too much time in one area as this may have an impact on it long term. After enrolling, our Google map, which has a list of all our locations and popular spots, will be shared with you.
Woods and Waves Outdoor Learning Inc.
302-2525 Carnarvon Street, Vancouver, BC V6K 0C6, CA